Channel: Cultural Affairs – BALTIMORE ARTS
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Call for Entry: Our Town Grant



National Endowment for the Arts – Our Town Grant

Supporting placemaking projects that contribute to the livability of communities and help transform them into lively, beautiful, and resilient places with the arts at their core. 

Request for Proposal to represent Baltimore City

As Baltimore City’s designated Arts Council, the Baltimore Office of Promotion & The Arts strives to make Baltimore a more creative and vibrant city.  Excellent art is an essential part of building a strong community, as important as land-use, transportation, education, housing, infrastructure, and public safety.  With this in mind, the NEA has created the Our Town grant program to support creative placemaking in cities across the country.  Each city may enter only one application, which must be submitted by the Mayor.  Our Town offers support for projects in two areas:

  1. Arts Engagement, Cultural Planning, and Design projectsthat represent the distinct character and quality of their communities. These projects may receive matching grants ranging from $25,000 to $200,000.  For additional information, please visit the NEA’s Our Town site at: http://arts.gov/grants-organizations/our-town/arts-engagment-cultural-planning-and-design-projects-grant-program-description
  1. Projects that Build Knowledge about Creative Placemaking These projects may receive matching grants ranging from $25,000 to $100,000. For additional information, please visit the NEA’s Our Town site at: http://arts.gov/grants-organizations/our-town/projects-that-build-knowledge-about-creative-placemaking-grant-program-description

For selection criteria, please visit the NEA’s Our Town Site at: http://arts.gov/grants-organizations/our-town/application-review

If appropriate, the same project may be submitted for both the recent Bloomberg Challenge RFP and this RFP for NEA’s Our Town.  Each application must be submitted separately.

All qualified Our Town applications will be forwarded to the Mayor’s Office for selection.  Depending on the number of submissions, you may be contacted to make a presentation.  Applicants will be notified of the Mayor’s decision by Monday, November 17.  It is expected that the selected applicant will prepare basic information to be submitted to the NEA Our Town program no later than December 15.  A full proposal must be submitted to the NEA by January 15, 2015.

Please find attached a Request for Proposal to represent Baltimore City. It must be submitted via email to:

Randi Vega, Cultural Affairs Director at rvega@promotionandarts.org

no later than 9am, Monday, November 10, 2014

For questions regarding this application, please email Randi at rvega@promotionandarts.org

For additional information, please visit the Exploring Our Town online resource, which includes case studies of more than 60 Our Town grants with an insights section of lessons learned.


Thank you for your interest. 



National Endowment for the Arts – Our Town Grant

Supporting placemaking projects that contribute to the livability of communities and help transform them into lively, beautiful, and resilient places with the arts at their core.

Application for Proposed Project to represent Baltimore City

This application must be submitted via email to:

Randi Vega, Cultural Affairs Director at rvega@promotionandarts.org

no later than 9am, Monday, November 10, 2014


Contact Information:







Project type (please check one)

_____ Arts Engagement, Cultural Planning, and Design

_____ Projects that Build Knowledge about Creative Placemaking  


Organizational Information

  • Mission (150 word limit, does not include spaces):
  • FY14 income:
  • FY14 expense:
  • If any significant discrepancies in budget, please explain: (100 words maximum)

 Project Information:

  • Proposed Project Title:
  • Proposed Project Description (300 words maximum; word count does not include spaces)
  • Project Dates: The grant is for a two year period of support, beginning October 1, 2015. Project costs incurred before October 1, 2015 are not eligible.
  • Proposed Project Beginning Date:
  • Proposed Project Date Open to the Public:
  • Project Costs:  Funds for this grant must be matched at least 1:1. A minimum of half the total cost of each project must be from nonfederal sources. Matching funds may be all cash or a combination of cash and in-kind contributions. 
  • Total Project Costs:
  • Total Committed Funds, if any, as of November 2014:
  • Amount Requested from NEA’s Our Town*:

 Project Team: Introduce all key collaborators, including artists, arts organizations, city agencies, and private sector groups. Please list each entry on a separate line. (200 words maximum, does not include spaces)

 Project Activity/Venue locations: For multiple locations, please list each entry on a separate line. (200 words maximum, word count does not include spaces).  A map in JPG or PDF format highlighting the site(s) of proposed work may also be submitted.

 Audience Engagement

  • Briefly describe your desired audience (100 words maximum, does not include spaces)

 Attachments When adding attachments to your proposal for submission, please save as Your Project Name ____________ (Examples:  Samuel Street Map, Samuel Street Image 1, Samuel Street Image 2, Samuel Street Budget)Project Location(s): A map may be attached in JPG or PDF format highlighting the site(s) of proposed work.   This is optional, not required.

 Work Samples: These must be of previous completed work by both the principal artist(s) and, if applicable, artistic director and/or curator. One work sample may be of the proposed project, or portion of the project. No more than a total of 5 work samples may be submitted. The maximum size for all attachments combined is 10 MB.  Please send as attachments via email.  Make sure each work sample is labeled. If you should have any questions regarding work sample submission, please contact Randi Vega at rvega@promotionandarts.org

Images:  Only JPG or PDF format will be accepted. Please include artist’s name, artwork title, dimensions, media, year of completion, and a brief description of each attachment.

Video and Sound:  These may be submitted as web links.  Please include artist’s name, title, year of completion and a brief description of each attachment.  Video and sound samples are to be no more than 5 minutes in length.  If submitting a longer sample, please indicate a start and end point within the sample.

Project Budget: Please attach a project budget showing income and expenses.

This application with attachments must be submitted via email to:

Randi Vega, Cultural Affairs Director at rvega@promotionandarts.org

no later than 9am, Monday, November 10, 2014 

For questions regarding this application, please email Randi at rvega@promotionandarts.org


Thank you for your application. 

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